The more we learn and the more deeply we understand, the better we can improve our brain performance and increase our capacity to learn.

17 August, 2022
1. Introduction Documentation is an essential part of the quality assurance system and proves that the GMP-relevant activities are carried out in a proper and timely […]
12 August, 2022
On August 11, 2022, after more than a month of practice, the final show of the emotional Orioledhub’s Teller: Memory program officially took place. Each of […]
3 August, 2022
The Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology was established by Orioled Hub company and recognized by the Department of Science and Technology of Ho Chi Minh City in […]
21 July, 2022
The below contents do not contain the full and detailed information of the circular, but the information is extracted and summarized as a part of the […]
14 July, 2022
Before any product can be sold within the European market, it needs a market authorization (MA) from European Medicines Agency (EMA). Once a medicinal product gets […]
8 July, 2022
Today, TPI TV has turned 7 years old, the process is not too short nor long but enough for TPI TV to gradually mature and become more stable. Over the past 7 years, the number of members in the TPI TV family is increasing day by day, people come and go, but they all contribute to making TPI TV stronger and constantly innovating as it is now.