The more we learn and the more deeply we understand, the better we can improve our brain performance and increase our capacity to learn.

7 July, 2022
1. Introduction Impurity is considered as any component of a drug substance that is not a chemical entity defined as the drug substance and in addition, […]
27 June, 2022
Planning is one of the necessary skills in both work and life if you want to handle work effectively, and systematically, increase initiative, and control as […]
25 June, 2022
In June, in addition to “International Children’s Day” (June 01) which is an occasion to show affection to the preschool children of each family, we have […]
15 June, 2022
The following below contents do not contain the full and detailed information of the circular, but the information is extracted and summarized briefly as a part […]
8 June, 2022
Since 2008, Vietnam has been classified as a pharmerging country, according to IMS Health (IQVIA). Pharmaceutical spending per capita in Viet Nam is relatively low but […]
3 June, 2022
The European system of approval of new medicines comprises an European Union (EU)-wide authorisation procedure (the so called centralised pro- cedure) alongside national procedures based on […]